
Showing posts from 2015

#ECTACO: Translatory elektroniczne przydadzą się każdemu, a w szczególności osobom…

ECTACO –  Translatory elektroniczne przydadzą się każdemu, a w szczególności osobom, które często podróżują – naukowcom, biznesmenom, a także dla studentom i wszystkim uczącym się języków obcych. Ułatwiają komunikację nawet w zupełnie nieznanym języku. Translatory elektroniczne to małe i lekkie urządzenia, które można zabrać wszędzie ze sobą. Ważą i zajmują o wiele mniej miejsca niż tradycyjne słowniki. Korzystanie z translatora elektronicznego zajmuje także mniej czasu, niż wertowanie książkowego słownika. Sprawia, że możesz prowadzić konwersację w czasie rzeczywistym, na przykład kiedy zamawiasz jedzenie lub pytasz o drogę. Nowoczesne translatory elektroniczne mają różne formy – od przypominających kalkulatory, przez smartfony i tablety po małe, ręczne skanery. Wiele z tych urządzeń posiada funkcję rozpoznawania mowy, dzięki czemu nie trzeba wystukiwać na klawiaturze wyszukiwanych słów i zwrotów.  Kieszonkowe translatory są wyposażone w znajomość wielu języków

Top five langauges in 2050?


ECTACO EU | Anobic 5000 Italian <-> German Free Speech Electronic Translator

  Elektronische übersetzer Anobic 5000 Italienisch <-> Deutsch .         Reisen kann wirklich an die Schmerzgrenze gehen! Der richtige Weg zum Ziel, das Verstehen einer fremden Sprache, die Sorgen um das Telefon und wie man bloß einen Internetzugang findet! Sie müssen sich keine Sorgen mehr machen - all das erledigen wir für Sie! Mit dem neuen Ectaco Anobic 5000/DI  Italienisch  <-> Deutsch (BV5000) ! Benutzerfreundlich und zuverlässig - dieses robuste Gerät ist Smartphone und Sprachübersetzer in einem und ab sofort ihr eigener persönlicher Sprachassistent. Er übersetzt alles, was sie sagen oder sehen und hat zudem Zugriff auf Unmengen von Reisetools. Alles ist bereits auf Ihrem  Anobic 5000/DI  vorinstalliert - Sie müssen sich also keine Sorgen machen, denn es gibt keine komplizierten Einstellungen oder Downloads.   Sofortübersetzung: Viele erfahrene Reisende werden zustimmen, dass die Sprachbarriere eine der schwierigsten Hürden bei einer Reise ist. Ein

Partner LUX 2 English <-> Italian Free Speech Electronic Translator ECTACO

------- Language pair: English <-> Italian, Italian <-> English.  Vocabulary: 630,000.  What are you getting? Voice Translator. Just speak into the Partner LUX2 and have it translate whatever you say in seconds. Photo Translator. Quickly snap a pic of any text you see and have it translated instantly, no internet connection required. Need more? Get the Ectaco C-Pen hand held scanner and translate texts from books, newspapers, menus, etc. Text Translation. Type in any text you want and have it translated right away. Have it pronounced for you with just the push of a button...

ECTACO Info | British vs. American

    Translators Anobic    

ECTACO EU: Infographics


ECTACO Infographics: Anglais<->Français Communicateur Lux 2

Il suffit de dire ou taper n’importe quelle phrase et l’appareil la traduira. Grâce à une technologie très avancée, il la prononcera aussi. Partner LUX 2 se montre très utile pendant les voyages, les réunions d’affaires ou le travail à l’étranger. Il vous permet de rompre les barrières linguistiques.

ECTACO | Kisses of the World...

In the United States seems to other sounds ...

English <-> Croatian Partner LUX 2 Free Speech Electronic Translator

 - An academic   size  English <-> Croatian  i-lingual dictionary of over 635,000 words, pronunciation of these words have been recorded by professional, native speaking narrators (for selected languages).  - Voice Translator. Just speak into the Partner LUX2 and have it translate whatever you say in seconds.  - Photo Translator. Quickly snap a pic of any text you see and have it translated instantly, no internet connection required. Need more? Get the Ectaco C-Pen hand held scanner and translate texts from books, newspapers, menus, etc....

ECTACO Info: Woofs of the World....

I do not understand - how it sounds in the United States ... w ho can tell ?   ECTACO

“Merry Christmas” in (official) European languages


ECTACO Partner Lux 2 - Dlaczego ?


Photo Album ECTACO...

ECTACO Info | How do you say One Europe?


ECTACO Infographics - Partner Lux 2 (2)


ECTACO Infographics - Partner Lux 2


ECTACO Info | Canada's Language Map Looks Way Different Without English Or French

Take English and French out of Canada, and you have a very different-looking country. Data visualizers at  The 10 and 3  have done just that, producing an  interactive map that shows which tongues are spoken most often at home besides the country's official languages. They came up with the map by separating the country into "census divisions." They then discerned a language's popularity by looking at the number of people who speak it at home within those regions. For much of the country, the tongue most spoken at home is any number of traditional indigenous languages, such as Inuktitut, Cree, Dene and Ojibway. This is particularly true in regions including Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, Manitoba, northern Ontario, Quebec and Labrador. But though you might assume that's the case in vast swaths of northern Canada, what you'll actually find is that Tagalog and Arabic are among the most prominent languages spoken in the home in those parts. Th

ECTACO Info | What Languages Reveal about Other Cultures

Posted on 03. Jun, 2015 by  meaghan  in  Language Learning “A different language is a different vision of life.” – Federico Fellini It sounds like one of those motivational phrases you’d read on a daily quote calendar. You might nod your head in agreement or make a quick internal “aww”, but in reality, you’re not totally buying it. It just sounds…  fluffy , right? But those of us who have learned, or are learning, another language, we know that behind the warm, fuzzy feeling, there’s a real sentiment to that statement. A language can hide bits and pieces of a society’s culture, and learning that language discloses the details. In Japan, for example, the highly valued qualities of honor and respect are literally built in to the language . The language employs various honorifics to demonstrate polite, respectful, and humble speech. Honorifics are also used to “beautify” words; even daily objects are spoken of with a reverence in Japanese. The prefix “O”, roughly translated to E

ECTACO Info | Partner Lux 2


Electronic translator Partner Lux 2 ECTACO



ECTACO SpeechGuard TLX from Mike Vlasen ECTACO SpeechGuard TLX Traveling can be an absolute pain! Trying to find your way around, interpreting another language, worrying about your phone & how you are going to access the internet! Stop worrying - we've got you completely covered with the new  Ectaco SpeechGuard TLX !  This is an exceptional phone for exceptional situations. This  Military based , extra-tough, super-ruggedized Android 4 smartphone is perfect for military use, security specialists, tradesmen, hikers, linesmen, farmers, Emergency Service Personnel, mountaineers, cross-country skiers, or anyone travelling in remote areas. Being Water Proof, drop proof, and shock proof, the TLX is also suitable for those on or around water; perfect for fishing boats, use in the rain, or surf.

ECTACO Info: Coffee languages

Coffee Languages ECTACO

ECTACO Info: How To Say Hello In 21 Different Languages...

Ciao! Hello! When travelling or simply meeting someone with a different native language it’s always good (and polite) to be able to greet them. Here we have 21 ways you can say hello to anyone you come across  and  you will be able to understand their greeting! BY  SIOBHAN HARMER   www:

Elektroniczny tłumacz ECTACO Partner LUX 2

Elektroniczny tłumacz ECTACO Partner LUX 2 from Mike Vlasen  

ECTACO Info | Top ten best languages to study

by Carole Hallett Mobbs web:   Top ten best languages to study for business Thinking ahead to the future of your expat child, these are apparently the most important and useful languages to study for business. These rankings are based on a survey carried out for the CBI (Confederation of British Industry), in which 542 UK company managers were asked which languages are useful to their business. 10. Portuguese Brazil is the economic powerhouse of Latin America and is now ahead of the UK in the world’s largest economy stakes. Looking towards the 2016 Olympics and the upcoming football World Cup, Portuguese speakers will be much in demand. 9. Japanese Japan remains a formidable power in global trade, regardless of the worldwide recession, so knowledge of Japanese is very important for industry. The Japanese also make up one of the largest language communities on the internet. 8. Russian According to the UK Government’s Trade & Investment web


ECTACO from Mike Vlasen /    


Znalost  anglického a německého jazyka  je pro našeho budoucího či současného zaměstnavatele taktéž velkým přínosem, za který budeme jistě oceněni navíc, ať už možností vyšší pracovní pozice, a tím vyššího platu nebo jiných finančních bonusů. Investice do tohoto vzdělání se  nám u kvalitního učitele tedy   jednoznačně vyplatí. V dnešní době je velmi často   anglický a německý jazyk dokonce jednou z podmínek pro   získání dobrého zaměstnání  a bez této znalosti jsme při přijímacích pohovorech velmi limitováni, pokud angličtinu či němčinu neovládáme. Výhodou znalosti anglického a německého jazyka je také možnost  práce v zahraničí , která je mnohem lépe... ECTACO CR Elektronické  slovniky a  překladače  ECTACO.   Ozvučený Česko <-> Anglický kapesní překladač Partner ECZ Lux 2 Ozvučený Česko<->Německý kapesní překladač Partner DCz Lux 2

ECTACO Smile...

We thought it was funny... Cute Owls Compilation  ECTACO Info

ECTACO Info: German spoken as a first language in Europe

info by   German is the mother tongue of millions of people throughout Europe. German speaking communities in Europe German is the most widely spoken native language in the European Union.  It is the mother tongue not only for people in Germany, but also for millions of others all over Europe. From Denmark to Romania  and from Poland to Italy and France, there are centuries old traditional German speaking communities. On this topic, it's interesting to point out that the new President of Romania - Klaus Iohannis - (elected last November) is actually a member of the  German minority from Transylvania . Are there any other  German communities in Europe  that are not represented on the map? Did you know about all these  native German speaking areas ? What other minorities of other language groups are there in Europe? ECTACO Info 

ECTACO Info | Top Four Languages Studied in Europe

by materials: There are four languages in Europe that are studied during secondary school. English , French , German and Spanish are the most studied languages in European Countries.  ECTACO Info

ECTACO Info: Les bonnes raisons pour apprendre l'anglais

ECTACO Info  Electronic translators. Voici quelques bonnes raisons (+/- sérieuses) pour apprendre l'anglais: Cette liste n'est pas exhaustive. C es propositions ont été receuillies le 16 juin 2010 auprès d'une équipe internationale mixte (non représentative) de 18 personnes en réponse à la question: 'Selon   vous, pourquoi faut-il   apprendre l'anglais  ?'  Il est nécessaire d'apprendre l'anglais: - Pour évoluer dans son travail - Pour comprendre 1 400 000 000 personnes à travers le monde - Parce que tout le monde ne parle pas chinois - Parce que les Beatles ne chantent pas en russe - Pour  parler anglais , simplement - Il faut apprendre l'anglais car c'est la langue utilisée dans l'aéronautique, les congrès scientifiques et en politique internationale - Pour voyager - Apprendre l'anglais peut être un bon moyen de se faire de nouveaux amis - Pour comprendre les livres en anglais et certains manuels d'utilisatio

ECTACO Info: The Russian Alphabet

Electronic dictionary and translators. more info: The Russian alphabet is derived from the Cyrillic alphabet (pronounced si-'ri-lik). In turn, the Cyrillic alphabet was developed at the Preslav Literary School in the First Bulgarian Empire in the 9th century. It was later formalized by a Greek monk St. Cyril. The contemporary Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters, some of which were borrowed from Greek and Hebrew. You will find it relatively easy to get started with the Cyrillic alphabet because many letters remind those in English. There are six exact sound and look-alikes (A, E, K, M, O, T) while many other Russian letters are similar to their English counterparts by either how they look or sound. However, keep in mind that Russian and English sounds are never absolutely identical and only constant practice will help you acquire the perfect Russian accent. The Russian alphabet is traditionally listed in the order from A to Я as shown here . To